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Caring for Sick Kids? Here Are 3 Encouraging Tips

Taking care of sick kids can be stressful and exhausting - hang in there!

By Alison Ellis, publisher of Macaroni KID Vero Beach November 16, 2022

The season is upon us. 

No, I'm not talking about the holidays. 

Unfortunately, I'm talking about the season of sickness. Lately, it seems like all of my friends and I are caring for sick kids. In the past month, our household has been hit with a stomach bug and a never-ending respiratory virus. I feel that having sick kids is one of the most stressful and tiring times of parenting, so I want to offer some encouragement to help you through. 

Give Yourself Grace and Let Go of Guilt 

Whether it's taking time off of work during a busy season, letting laundry pile up, or needing to say "no" to a prior commitment, having sick kids can leave us feeling like we are falling short in the other areas of our lives. We can't control when our kids will get sick, so give yourself the grace to prioritize what you need to during this time and adjust your expectations of yourself. It will be okay if you don't get to your entire to-do list. This is especially important if you end up sick, too! 

Ask for Help and Accept Help When It's Offered 

I know how hard it can be to reach out and ask for help (it might be even more difficult to accept it!), but I promise that there are people who want to help. One of the things I find useful when I have sick kids is dinner being delivered to our door. If you have multiple children, another option is asking friends or family to take your healthy child for a playdate so that you can focus on your sick child. If you lack a support system, consider utilizing a food or grocery delivery service or hiring help. So often we prioritize taking care of others, but it's vital to take care of yourself, too, and bringing in reinforcements is a great way to do that. 

Know That This Is Just a Season 

If you have young kids, you might be wondering if there will ever be a time when your family will all be healthy for an extended period. It can be normal for young children to get sick often and be stuck to you like velcro when they feel ill. While sickness will always occur, know that it won't always be like this. Take advantage of the times when your family is healthy, and plan a fun outing when you are all feeling well again!