
Happy Family Sunday Brunch

April 17, 2017

Do you ever have those days where you realize you want to spend time with your mom friends, but need to find something that all of the kids can do too? When Beauty and the Beast came out I realized it was the perfect time to have our own animated Beauty and the Beast brunch. I'm not sure this group of kiddos was ready for the new one, but the classic Disney movie was perfect for this age group.

The viewing room... :) 

The snack room. :) 

This was also a great opportunity to let them pick their own healthy snacks for the occasion. Anytime you can empower little ones to become a little more independent and make healthy choices, it's a win win. I made sure I had plenty of options for the group to enjoy. 

Happy Family Brands provided so many yummy goodies for the kids and parents. While the kids were enjoying the movie and snacks, the parents were able to taste a lot of the snacks too.  I set all of the food out for the kids to pick themselves. It is all bite sized and great to grab and go. 

I picked out two of the muffin recipes from The Happy Family Cook Book and they were perfect for little hands. There were a bunch of other recipes that could be used for future kid parties too. 

I discovered my older son still absolutely loves the Organic Yogis that I usually only give my little one. Most of the products Happy Family has are good for the entire family, which I can appreciate when I'm making everyones lunches in the morning. I can't wait for us to have another Brunch get together.